
Follow us as we travel the world; loving the overlooked, serving those in need and making Jesus known.

Monday, November 30, 2015

it's the final countdown

(7) seven. days. until. outreach.

it's so unreal that we leave for Greece in 7 days. Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that we leave in exactly one week, to fly across the world and work with Syrian refugees for 3 months. It can only be Jesus. I cannot believe anything differently because despite the fact that I'm still trying to work out housing for our team next week, we still owe thousands of dollars just to get on a plane.

but Jesus.

I know he's called us, I know he has a plan. I have to continually believe these two things, make them my daily even hourly reminder, or it would seem impossible. So this time next week I'm excited to tell everyone the miracle the God did in getting our entire team on a plane, and the favor that he's given us in being able to find housing in Greece.

So this week, this stressful next 7 days, I choose F A I T H.
When Connor and I need to go and get international licenses in between lectures: I choose faith
When we go and buy presents for all the people hosting us in Greece: I choose faith
When we pack up everything in our room into boxes: I choose faith
Whether I'm able to find housing for us before or after we get on that plane: I choose faith
When I'm reminded that our entire school still owes $12000: I choose faith

In choosing faith, I consciously am choosing Jesus over my circumstances. So this week while you're reading this or if you think of us, pray for us, I promise we'll need it.

1 comment:

  1. We think of you often & will pray for the miracles to fill your cup until it overflows.
