Since we've been here people have requested that we start doing stories of the people we've met. Do to some security reasons I cannot give their entire story because their safety is more important. However, I want to do my best to give people an idea of what these people have been through.
This man is a friend I have made over the past couple days. His journey took 45 days by foot through below freezing temperatures. The jacket he is wearing was only given to him upon arriving here. He had to flee his country because his family was kidnapped and were going to be killed unless he left. As he travels this journey alone his hope is to find a place to bring his family to safety. He is only in his 20s but has been kidnapped and beaten for weeks by terrorists before escaping. In arriving at the refugee camp there were no tents available so he slept on the ground. He continued to say how thankful he was to be in a country that would give him a cup of water and a warm blanket. I met him on Christmas day and as I listened to his journey and many of his stories I was blown away by his courage and his kindness. These are the faces and stories that we encounter here in the refugee camp. They are filled with real people, who have families and friends. And they have a story to tell.
Meet my friend from Afghanistan. He is around my age and has had life experiences beyond my comprehension. Working as a nurse in his first years out of school, and then became a police officer that worked with the military doing drug busts in various provinces. Because of his many talents and qualifications, he also began to work with political parties. He is a man who loved his country and his jobs and made a decent living. Then due to two different attacks by a terrorist organization he was forced to flee his country on foot which led him on a 45 day journey to Turkey. Throughout his journey he had to be hidden in a trunk with 4 other full grown men, and walk through chest deep water during cold nights holding his bag above his head. All of this because of severe danger that he would face if he remained where he had been in his life. He is a good man who loves justice and serving others above himself. His goal is to reach any country in Europe that would have him and give him a chance at a fresh start.
The people we are encountering out here are incredible people with stories that most of us would think are movie plot lines. Their stories are not finished yet however. From here they go on to Europe and will search for a country and a job that will have them for their shot a new life. We hope that these stories have stirred your hearts and brought light to a situation that is predominately covered by the media. Remember to pray for the refugees, for Greece, and for all Europe to receive them. Thank you guys!
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